Monday 4 January 2010

Day 2: Walk!

Felt like we were the only people in Manhattan, as we braved the streets on New Years Day – early morning. Walked south on Broadway from 51st until we ran out of Manhattan. On the way we had a terrible deli breakfast – sold bagels but had no lox! Found an amazing gourmet food deli by the name of Dean and Deluca – followed by stumbling across the Mayor’s Inauguration just as Mr. Bloomberg was being sworn in at City Hall for a third time. We could hear it all through the echoey PA system, so have no idea what he said.

We paid our respects to Ground Zero. The fire station next door had a very poignant memorial.
We took the Staten Island ferry just for the views of the Statue of Liberty. Much smaller than expected – half of the height is the stone base. As usual the myth is bigger than the woman.
Had a late lunch at Virgil’s real BBQ, a massive American meat fest. After having walked for four hours, we went back to the hotel to rest.

The late night was spent at Caroline’s comedy club in Times Square – saw some great comics – all very different but the recurring themes were to be race and masturbation – and it ended up with a man-on-man lap dance. We got home later than New Years Eve.

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